Fort Flagler – Saturday May 3, 2014

Nice sunny morning, temp at 60 degrees, setting outside listening to Wait Wait.
We have been working on our retirement count down. Jean’s last day will be June 30th and mine will be July 3rd – that is 61 calendar days with 42 work days. I’m not sure how to type and express how much we are looking forward to this event but we are.

Current plan is to spend July and August at Crystal Mountain hiking and enjoying the mountains. I will be 64 this year and not sure how many years Hank and I will be able to climb up a mountain side. Last week in August we will move south to spend Labor Day in Reno with my brother than on to Zion National Park for two weeks starting September 10th. Than on to Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. The goal is to be home for Thanksgiving and Christmas than south in February/March to be in Phoenix for spring training. We will spend the spring in the Southwest and home for the “Summer”.

That is our current plan. Stay tuned for July 3rd count down and follow the adventure. I still plan on posting a picture of each campsite.

Have a great day, in 3 hours and 10 minutes it will be 60 days.